The Volusia County Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society (also known as the Pawpaw Chapter) visited Alexander Island with Mayor Chasez to identify some of the beautiful flora and fauna found within DeBary! But the real highlight of the trip? Finding the Pawpaw plant and some Zebra Swallowtail Butterflies!

Zebra Swallowtails are the rarest of Swallowtail Butterflies and are only found where their host plant, the Pawpaw, is located in abundance. Thanks to our City Council and staff, Alexander Island will remain a safe place in DeBary for these plants and animals to live and thrive!
One of the goals of this trip was to discover whether the Rugels Pawpaw Plant is one of the many species that call Alexander Island home! Although not found at this location, the Rugals Pawpaw is a unique and rare flower. This flower is ONLY found in Volusia County, Florida where fewer than 5,000 plants are remaining!
How can I identify a Rugel's Pawpaw? The Rugel's Pawpaw has leathery oblong leaves that may grow to 7 cm. Tiny, pale yellow, flowers are produced in the spring with 6 petals and 3 sepals born on auxiliary stalks. These flowers are only found along the edges of poorly drained pine flatwoods or disturbed areas.
About the Florida Native Plant Society:
"Together we can make a difference, one natural landscape at a time."
The mission of the Florida Native Plant Society is to promote the preservation, conservation, and restoration of native plants and native plant communities in Florida. Native plants are strikingly beautiful and provide numerous environmental and health benefits. The nutritional needs of many creatures are only met by the native plants they have evolved with. Planting native plants in their appropriate regions helps conserve Florida's plant diversity. Planting the right native plant in the right place allows it to fulfill its purpose in nature. Interested in the Florida Native Plant Society? Join the Volusia County Chapter and make a difference in DeBary!
Thanks to our City Council and staff, Alexander Island will remain a safe place in DeBary for native plants and animals to live and thrive!